The traditional approach to assess property value:

When we think of determining the value of the property, the instant thought that strikes are:

  • ​Visiting the site
  • Checking the property value
  • Construction norms as per the government
  • Current market price
  • Customer’s feedback​

The procedure involved in estimating the value of the property is enormous.

But in this age of digitalization, we bring the most simplified way of executing this research in a matter of minutes.Estater Meter helps in resolving this problem in a second.


How does Estater Meter (EM) Property Valuation work?

We make use of the power of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Data Science to make smart real estate decisions. The valuation of the properties depends on various attributes like amenities, highways, visibility, frontage, corner, and a validation process that involves more than 20 steps. To enable a swift decision, the Estater Meter framework comprises beyond 25 iterations that predict the actual price.

What do Estater Meter Property Valuation Tools Offer?

  • ​Property Valuation in just a click
  • Results based on accurate data analysis​
  • Pocket friendly as it eliminates a list of steps involved in the valuation
  • Attention to detail
  • Comprises interactive maps to exhibit real-time property information
  • Objective, non-biased, and mathematically accurate​

EM property valuation tool is a simple solution/helps to answer a variety of users