Estater Strategy Segments

Industrial Segment

Our experts with fundamental industrial knowledge in combination with the core data we gather can provide you the yardsticks of the market and feasibility studies as per your desired specialty. We put maximum attention to provide decisive reports and data for your business concerns.

Retail and F&B Segment

With our inclusive data, we support our clients to comprehend the current and future market trends in retail market and advise them in all investments decisions. Your focus area may be a retail mall, retail plaza, retail community center, F&B or a combination of all; we collect unit wise data and present them to our client in the form of comprehensive report with proficient answers as required.

Hospitality Segment

An industry with fluctuating trend lines require attentive study and accurate data, our specialists are keen to provide you the best market insights and trend study for this segment. A demand catchment study, feasibility report, trend analysis and what not, we are here to answer all your queries and concerns pertaining to decisive output.

Commercial Segment

Based on our technical standards and niche data collection methods, we drive our clients to take a decision concerning developing or selecting an office space. Our data is competitive enough to provide market insights and drive investment decisions.

Residential Segment

We are focused to deliver excellence with our niche based data analytics and convey to you the market standpoint. Our benchmark study by the professionals includes all types of residential properties, be it house, villa, apartments, town house etc.

Our Real Estate Research and Advisory Services

Estater provides a variety of real estate research and advisory services to help its clients take better decision


Project Feasibility Study

Over 100 project feasibility studies delivered so far in Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Libya. Estater undertakes market viability and financial feasibility on all types of real estate projects including master plans, mixed use project or standalone properties.


Real Estate Market Research

150 + real estate market research reports with wide coverage of all segments of the market. Whether you have a market hypothesis or simple a quest to better understand a real estate segment, Estater can help by providing a market overview with location specific research.


Real Estate Market Outlook Study

Nearly 30 issues of market outlook reports completed so far. Real estate market outlook studies are commissioned to provide macro level research with adequate details for various locations. These studies help in preparing market strategies and action plan for 3-5 years period.


Real Estate Property Valuation

Hundreds of property pricing and valuation assignments completed. Estater can help provide unit wise pricing for freehold properties by benchmarking their features against current properties in the market. Valuation for lands and income generating properties by incorporating accurate market data.


Real Estate Market Gap Analysis

50+ gap real estate analysis reports to help the clients identify profitable opportunities. Gaps always exist in the market whether it is an under-represented retail category or a missing property type in a given location. With extensive GIS based data on real estate, Estater helps its clients identify such gaps in the market with detailed analysis.


Design optimization

20+ assignments on design optimization to rationalize cost and maximize profitability. With hundreds of benchmarks developed by efficient design, Estater helps to generate optimization ideas for any type of property design. Our workshops showcase simulation financial models to help our clients achieve substantial reduction in projects costs and increase in profitability.